3.4.1: Material Properties

The component “MatProps” lets one directly define isotropic and orthotropic materials. Use the dropdown menu at the bottom of the component to chose between ortho- and isotropic materials.

Isotropic Material Properties

In Fig. selection of the second material from the resulting list can be made (bottom right component) or selection from the default material table (top right component). Material isotropy means that the material’s behaviour does not change with direction. Karamba3D uses the following parameters to characterize an isotropic material (see fig.

The yield stress characterizes the strength of a material. The utilization of cross sections as displayed by the “BeamView”-component (see section 3.6.7) is the ratio of actual stress and yield stress. In case of shells, utilization is determined as the ratio of Van Mises Stress (as computed from the stresses in the shell) and yield stress (see section 3.6.11). Cross section optimization (see section 3.5.8) also makes use of the materials yield stress.

Orthotropic Material Properties

Material orthotropy means that the material’s behaviour changes with direction. The material properties in two orthogonal directions fully characterize any orthotropic material. In Karamba3D orthotropic materials take effect only in shells. When supplied to beams, the material properties in the first direction are applied. For shells the first material direction corresponds to the local x-axis. See section 3.1.14 on how to set user defined local coordinate systems on shells.

In fig. an orthotropic material gets defined using a “Material Property”-component. Besides “Family”, “Name”, “Elem|Id” and “Color” it expects the following input:

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