4.1.1: 安装问题




  • 在运行安装前,请确认已取消了阻止Karamba3D安装的(* .msi)文件。 请在(Explorer)资源管理器中右键单击该文件后查看其“Properties(属性)”。如果文件已被阻止,则在“Properties(属性)”窗口底部会有一个“Unblock(取消阻止)”文件的选项。

  • 确认以管理员身份安装Karamba3D。

  • 检查Karamba3D的安装目录。它应当位于Rhino的Plugins(安装插件)文件夹中。通常是C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-insC:\Program Files\Rhinoceros 5.0 (64-bit)\Plug-ins,但也可以是C:Program Files\Rhinoceros 5 (64-bit)\Plug-ins。确保文件夹相关联,否则Karamba3D将不会出现在Grasshopper中。

  • 如果您的计算机上有多个Rhino版本,请确保已将Karamba3D安装到正确的版本。 Karamba3D可并行安装至“Rhinoceros 5(64-bit)”、“Rhino 6”和“Rhino 7”。在这种情况下,已安装应用程序列表中将显示存在三个“Karamba3D”条目。

  • 用户也可以导航至RhinoPlugins(安装插件)文件夹(如C:\Program Files\Rhino 6\Plug-ins for example),并将Karamba.gha文件拖放到Grasshopper的画布中。

DLL requirement on Windows 8

When installing Karamba3D on Windows 8, and an error message pops up stating ‘There is a problem with this Windows Installer Package. A DLL required for this install to complete could not run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.’ do the following:

  1. Make sure that you installed a Karamba3D version with the correct bitness: Karamba3D (64bit) can be used together with Rhinoceros 5 (64bit); Karamba3D (32bit) with Rhinoceros 5. Be aware of the fact that both versions of Rhino get installed.

  2. Check to see if the installation file downloaded contains the *.msi extension. Sometimes Windows automatically adds an *.exe extensions to *.msi files.

  3. Make sure that Windows is up to date.

  4. Change the permissions to full access to ‘C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows or C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp’. Make sure that the hidden files and folders are shown in Windows. Open Windows Explorer and folder ‘C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows or C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp’. Right click on the folder, the Local Properties pop up window will appear. Select the tab Security. Click Edit, the Permissions for Local pop up window will open. On Group or \user names, select the desired user. Ensure that the Allow _check box for Full control is activated, else activate it. On the Permissions _for Local pop up window, click OK (if no changes were made) or Apply (if changes were made). On the Local Properties pop up window, click OK (if no changes were made) or Apply (if changes were made).

  5. See Pix4d for further support

Last updated